Ensalada Nochebuena: Mexican Christmas Salad

Mexican Christmas Salad - Ensalada Nochebuena

For most, the “holiday season,” like it is in the US, actually means only a handful of days that are the holidays themselves. But other countries, like it is in Mexico, have a true holiday season, lasting from early December all the way through January 6. Amid this season of celebration, one of the biggest feasts still does … Read more

Yalanci Sarma: Armenian Stuffed Grape Leaves

Yalanci Sarma: Armenian Stuffed Grape Leaves

Since it is the holiday season, ’tis also the season for holiday parties! As part of our quest to find holiday-centric recipes from around the world, we also figured it would be a fun idea to find inspiration for bringing the holiday cheer to the bellies of your party guests. For today, as part of … Read more

Kam Heong Sotong: Malaysian Squid

Kam Heong Sotong: Malaysian Squid

How about that? We cooked our first fusion dish here on Arousing Appetites, and we didn’t even know it. That’s exactly what kam heong is all about. While we used squid in our particular recipe, it’s not the ingredients that matter as much as the cooking style itself. So What is Kam Heong? Kam Heong is a Malaysian … Read more

Goi Cuon: Vietnamese Spring Rolls

Vietnamese Spring Rolls

One of the greatest “grocery store discoveries” that we’ve ever made has been rice paper sheets for fresh Vietnamese spring rolls. For starters, they’re light and nutritious. Each individual sheet is only ~34 calories! And it’s also a source for fiber and iron. They’re incredibly inexpensive too! One packet of 35 sheets, which easily spans … Read more

Pakistani Spicy Tomato Curry

Pakistani Spicy Tomato Curry

Spicy tomato curry made with cod, tomatoes, and some fragrant spices, Pakistani style. Back in the Fall of 2008, I found myself in Frankfurt, Germany. I was still in college and my school (which was in the neighboring Netherlands) offered its students the chance to spend a semester pursuing a blank-check promise of “any type of new experience.” … Read more