Bibimbap – Vegan Korean Rice Bowl with Tofu


Learning the story behind famous dishes never gets old, especially when it’s one that you’ve already encountered several times before. To say that we’ve encountered bibimbap only several times would be a slight understatement, but we’d still never really known much about it until recently. Now that we have, though, we’re that much more appreciative of such … Read more


Koshary dish

For a culture with such a rich history and tradition as Egypt’s, it is pretty ironic that a newcomer “transplant” dish is as ubiquitous and popular as koshary. And yet, thanks to a fusion of incoming influencing cuisines, it has rapidly become one of the most authentic and recognizable foods in this former bastion of the … Read more

Imam Bayildi: Turkish Tomato-Filled Eggplants

Imam Bayildi: Turkish Tomato-Filled Eggplants

This eggplant with tomato sauce recipe from Turkey is naturally vegan, and easy to prepare. Get your plates and get ready for an adventure into Turkish cuisin! One thing we really love here at Arousing Appetites is when we come across a recipe that not only is delicious but has an incredibly unique story or … Read more

Ensalada Nochebuena: Mexican Christmas Salad

Mexican Christmas Salad - Ensalada Nochebuena

For most, the “holiday season,” like it is in the US, actually means only a handful of days that are the holidays themselves. But other countries, like it is in Mexico, have a true holiday season, lasting from early December all the way through January 6. Amid this season of celebration, one of the biggest feasts still does … Read more

Fattoush: Lebanese Sumac Lemon Salad

Fattoush: Lebanese Sumac Lemon Salad

With the holiday season coming up, Heather and I both thought it would be fun to find ways to “internationalize” our upcoming holiday meals with our friends and family. Not that we don’t love what you’d traditionally find around the Thanksgiving table (trust me, we do), but this seems like it will be a really fun challenge. … Read more