Pho Veggies is an incredible dish served at every renowned place in Vietnam. Pho is primarily made up of pho broth, noodles, vegetables, meats, and other ingredients. It comes up with several options, such as meat pho and veg pho. Whether you eat a veg or a non-veg pho, it is always served with various veggies and herbs. This article enlists the essential veggies and herbs that go in pho to make your dish delicious.
What Are the Leaves in Pho Veggies?
When it comes to pho veggies, you may often be served with a variety of additional leafy vegetables that enhance your craving for your desired pho. The leaves in the pho come from different vegetables, and they may vary according to the type of pho and, of course, the region from where you are having your pho, but mostly a combination of these:
- Thai Basil
- Mint
- Cilantro
- Bean sprouts
- Lime wedges
- Culantro (different than cilantro above)
- Parsley
What Veggies Go In Pho?

Whether you have a meat pho or pho veggies, veggies are an essential part of the pho. Several veggies go in pho to enhance its flavor, and some veggies, including some leaves and herbs, are also added to the pho to reduce the pungent aroma of the pho. Some of the most commonly used veggies that go in pho are as follows:
- Bean Sprouts (Gia Do)
Bean sprouts are the young shoots obtained from a plant named Mung Bean Plant. These white sprouts surprisingly increase the flavor of the pho, adding a crunchy flavor to it. After adding to pho with noodles, blanch them with hot water. They can also be served raw as garnishes. However, it is not a must in pho as in different regions, and people do not prefer to have it as they desire.
- Thai Basil (Hung Que)
Thai basil leaves are elongated with sharp edges having a unique combination of licorice and anise. Adding these leaves to your pho veggies will reduce the aroma of the beef in it. It makes your pho more delicious and edible. It is also used in several other famous Vietnamese dishes all across the country.
- Cilantro (Rau Mui)
Cilantro, a leafy herb, brings a vibrant freshness and appealing flavor to every Vietnamese dish. Cilantro leaves can either be added as a whole or chopped to the pho. They stimulate the taste buds, creating an urge to have them all over again. In addition to its leaves, its roots and stems are also used in making pho broth. It has a healing effect and can be used to avoid minor illnesses.
- Thin Sliced White Onions (Hanh Tay)
White onions are commonly used to thicken the texture of pho broth. It gives pho its smooth texture and overall flavor. White onions should always be sliced thin before adding them to pho broth. They may add a pungent aroma to the dish, but it can be reduced by boiling them in hot water. They usually do not devastate the flavor of the pho when they are chopped well, adding salt to them using cold water.
- Scallions (Hanh La)
Scallions or green onions are the absolute parts of pho and the most delicious Vietnamese dishes. The thin, sliced green onions, when added to the pho, not only enhance the flavor of this dish but also take it to another level of taste. Your pho is just incomplete without scallions. It is often used in pho to mask the aroma of beef and other meat used in the pho.
- Culantro (Ngo Gai)
Culantro is the most commonly used herb in all the iconic Vietnamese dishes, like pho. Culantro leaves are long and dark green. It is often not directly added to the pho and placed separately as garnish. However, culantro has the ability to reduce the greasiness of the pho broth. In both ways, it enhances the flavor of the pho, making it more delicious and craving.
- Rice Paddy Herb (Ngo Om)
Rice paddy herb, or “sweet cumin,” is another important green veggie most commonly served with pho to enhance flavor. If your pho contains cilantro, it must contain rice paddy herb, as they both come up with a brilliant combo. The stems of paddy rice are small with leaves and taste delicious when served with pho. It reduces the pungent aroma of the fish or beef in the pho.
- Lime Wedges (Voi Nem)
Lime Wedges are often served as garnishes, enhancing the pho’s taste. However, these can also added to the broth, but it is better to have it separately and add it to your pho broth as per your intent. Lime wedges are rich in iron, have a mouthwatering flavor, and boost the body’s metabolism, making your pho the healthiest option. These flavoring additions will delight your mood with the most flavoring pho.
- Hot Pepper (O’t)
Pho is served with various herbs, sauces, and toppings. Hot pepper is an optional but exciting garnish. You can add fresh jalapeno or red chili pepper to your pho to give it a spicy flavor. It is suggested that you garnish your pho with hot pepper according to your desired spice level. Removing pepper seeds and slicing them finely is a pro trick for your delicious pho veggies.
What Herbs Go in Pho Veggies?

Herbs are an essential ingredient of pho veggies. They enhance the crunch, flavor, and texture of the pho. Several herbs are added to the pho as key ingredients, while others are served as garnishes. The most commonly used herbs in pho veggies include:
- Thai Basil
- Mint
- Cilantro
- Bean sprouts
- Lime wedges
- Culantro
- Parsely
What Is That Spiky Leaf in Pho?

The spiky leaf that you often observe in your pho is culantro. It is recognized due to its serrated leaves. It retains its spikiness in the pho veggies because it doesn’t wilt easily in hot water or soup. However, it is a healthy addition to your pho, along with its tasteful flavor and spiky texture. It’s actually pretty crunchy, if you like that sort of thing!
Final Interpretation
Pho comes up with a delicious taste and flavor when it is served with veggies and herbs. Your pho is just incomplete without the veggies. Vegetables bring a flavored taste to the pho veggies and also make it crunchy. Some vegetables become the internal part of the pho or broth, while others are placed aside for garnishing. Adding veggies to the pho makes it more digestible and healthy. They also reduce the pungent aromas of the meats, making them edible.