Cous Cous Unveiled: A Journey into Understanding What it Truly Is

What is Couscous

Are you curious about what is couscous? Couscous is a delightful staple in North African cuisine, made from tiny granules of semolina wheat. It’s versatile, quick to cook, and pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes. Whether you’re enjoying it as a base for a flavorful tagine or as a refreshing salad, couscous adds a touch of exotic flair to any meal.

Injera Spongy Ethiopian FlatBread

Injera spongy ethiopian flatbread

Injera is the soft, bubbly, pancake-like flatbread that’s the first and last word in Ethiopian cuisine. Made from the country’s indigenous teff flour, injera has a very particular sourdough taste that comes from the fermentation process of the batter used to make the bread. Perfect for absorbing the rich flavors of the country’s saucy culinary … Read more

Goulabjamoun Zambian Sweet Potato Fritters

Goulabjamoun zambian sweet potato dessert fritters

Goulabjamoun is a sweet potato fritter enjoyed in Zambia. But this exotic sounding recipe was first created hundreds of years ago in a land far from Zambia. The history of goulabjamoun can be traced across the Indian Ocean to India. From there, the origin story of this sweet potato treat leads us to medieval Baghdad. This doughy delight is a descendant … Read more

Calulu De Peixe Angolan Fish Vegetable Stew

Calulu de peixe angolan fish vegetable stew

Calulu de peixe is an Angolan fish and vegetable stew with an interesting, yet somber origin. The history of this stew can be traced back centuries, to the time of the colonial slave trade. Two ingredients in calulu de piexe, okra and palm oil, each have their own interesting story to tell. Okra’s story is one … Read more