What Are Sofritas? Unraveling the Delicious Mystery

what are sofritas

Curious about what are Sofritas? Well, let me fill you in on the flavorful details! Sofritas, a delightful creation in the realm of Mexican cuisine, are a plant-based protein option made from tofu marinated in a blend of spices and savory goodness. Perfect for those seeking a delicious and satisfying meatless alternative, Sofritas add a burst of flavor to your favorite dishes.

Mapo Tofu: Chinese

Mapo Tofu: Chinese

As two folks invariably obsessed with cooking at home, we don’t normally order Chinese takeout. But when we do, mapo tofu is one dish that I’d be hard pressed not to ask for. It’s my addictively spicy yet savory, “always leaves your mouth buzzing thereafter” guilty pleasure. And why I was really excited to learn this dish. … Read more