Apple Pie: The All American Dessert

Apple pie - American vegan with lattice top

If you grew up in the US like we did, chances are good that you’ve probably heard this saying at least a few times in your life. As American as apple pie. Never minding that we Americans sometimes use strange proxies to qualify our patriotism (i.e. Budweiser beer, Uncle Sam, PB&Js, etc), we were curious as … Read more

Lamingtons: Australian Sponge Cakes

Australian Lamingtons - Chocolate and coconut covered sponge cake

It’s funny how food can have a certain lasting power little else can match. Surely, lamingtons are a fabulous sponge cake dessert, but that it has monopolized the Lamington name – and a decorated political career to boot – serves as a testament to the power of food. It kind of makes you feel for … Read more

Anzac Biscuits: New Zealand Rolled Oats Crisps

New Zealand Anzac Rolled Oats Biscuit

There is an unmistakeable power of food that can, at times, evoke powerful memories and emotions in all of us. In Australia and New Zealand, the Anzac biscuit most certainly qualifies as one of those foods. Even as a relatively simple recipe featuring little more than rolled oats and honey, these little cookies serve as … Read more

Nalysnyky: Ukranian Cheese Crepes

Ukrainian Nalsynksy - Baked crepes filled with a savory, herbed cheese mixture

It’s one thing for a dish to be an indulgent treat. Within moderation, these treats really illustrate the joys of decadent or, you might say, even sinfully good food. To actually feature it, however, in a celebration of “last indulgences” requires a dish that can really live up to hedonistic expectations. Lucky for the Ukrainians, then, that … Read more

Flaounes: Cypriot Easter Dessert

Cypriot Flaounes - cheese filled Easter bread

It never ceases to amaze us how much the history of a particular food can really speak to the broader history of the culture behind it. For flaouna (flaounes for plural), this delightful sourdough cheesy Easter dessert has become a pride and joy in Cyprus. But the recipe and its clear-cut Hellenistic roots are, interestingly, … Read more

Gaufres Liegeoises: Belgian Waffles

Belgian Waffles with berries on top

Even with all the preparation and research we do for recipes, even then we sometimes still underestimate the journey ahead. For these Belgian waffles (technically gaufres liegeoises), this proved to be exactly the case. These gaufres were intricate, confusing-but-still-manageable recipe that kept us on our toes the entire time. And still, we forged on, and the … Read more